See this work, Lech Lecha — You Shall be a Blessing, on the website. Week 4 (April 22-28) Netzach – Endurance. Keep going! As we think of the endurance theme for week 4 of counting the Omer, now is the time to think about changing your habits: Take a walk through the... Read the Rest...
See this work, Come My Beloved to the Field — Song of Songs, on the website. We can all take steps to reduce the impact we have on air pollution and climate. We can walk and bicycle rather than drive, or carpool with friends if we can go together. We can dig into the... Read the Rest...
“I Place my Self at the compassionate heart of God’s Tiferet and affirm the healing and balancing, centering light within me” from Gate to the Heart by R. Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z’l. The image “Four Worlds of Peace” reminds of this affirmation. This is week 3 of... Read the Rest...
See this beautiful Judaic art piece from Pirkei Avot on the “Who is Strong?” product page. Week 2 (April 8-14) Gevurah – Discipline, boundaries. The second week of the Omer started the Saturday night that Pesach went out. We’ve celebrated and we’ve been... Read the Rest...